Learn Stats in 10,000 Hours

By Jonathan B. Miller

alpha edition, v0.5.201501151432

Last updated on 2015-01-15

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does this course take?

It will take you far fewer than 10,000 hours. This book just gets you started on a much larger journey.

You should take as long as it takes to get through the book, but focus on doing work every day. Some people take about 3 months, others 6 months, and some only a week.

What kind of computer do I need?
You will need either a Windows, OSX or Linux computer to complete this book.
May I share this book with friends?
Yes, but please don't post public links to the book, as it is pre-alpha and not ready for public release. It's expected to be ready for public scrutiny in late 2013/early 2014.

Creative Commons License
Learn Stats in 10,000 Hours by Jonathan B. Miller is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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